
Sunday, 25 October 2015

Because it's easier to write

The past 5.5months of newborn amazing-ness have flown. Seriously, I'm on the toilet now and quickly jotting this down!
Today we got up and had pancakes (it's "YES" day) then walked up Stephenson Falls in Marysville, making it back in time for coffee and Open Gym. From there we visited the brewery to celebrate our wonderful mate Drew's birthday and Hunter's first beer (not really but it was his first brewery!).
Home to eat dinner and prepare for the full on week ahead.
Our family is experiencing a rough time health wise, I don't see my sister because she's working and my other sister is still OS with her hubby. 
I have found an abnormal lump in my breast and will know more tomorrow. I've only really told a few of my close friends but being the type of person I am, it feels good to get it out on here. Yes I am worried, it's been three weeks and gotten bigger.
I cannot believe that my last baby is almost half a year old...I am sad and in denial and very sarcastic about it all. But I am an Aunty to baby Hunter and to Danielle's baby Brock, to Tanya's second babe, Baby Charlie and when I meet little Kai G too :)
Anyway, I read this today and it made me sad...
Because my purpose in life is to make women feel fucking amazing. I believe that with the right support no woman should ever feel ashamed of her body after carrying babies. There is no reason why a woman can't LOVE her body before, during and after becoming a mother. This is coming from someone who detested the way they looked for as long as I can remember. Pregnancy with River changed me...I learnt how to let go of the need to look like someone else. It was a looooong road. It's a road I still walk, because even now when I feel under pressure or tired, even now my inner voice still tells me I'm fat. The change is, I can silence that voice now...I can move on from that word and eat nourishing food. And because I spend time loving my body by eating well and exercising, my body looks better than it did before having babies.
It is a day after I started writing this, and I feel I may be all over the place. Today was a huge day of working but I crushed my parenting and my coaching and I did pretty darn well with my business too. I also managed to sneak in some Bowen therapy...I believe they call that winning!
Now I am snuggled up with Reef, my gorgeous fiancé is rinsing nappies (how glamorous)...I also think he's watching the Fronning doco, the man can occasionally multi task!
Today was the best vibe in the gym. Made some training breakthroughs and got to see some epic lifting. 
Tomorrow I am teaching mums and baby yoga at Kula, which I love doing. Then I will be having family time with a little friend...bring on the coffee and the fun.
Wishing you all health and happiness xx


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