5.30am Reef needed to be changed and decided not to settle despite being breastfed for two hours (at least). Eric decided to take him to the WOD so I could sleep.
7.25am E walks in the door with a coffee and smiling Reef. He starts on breakfast while I get ready. We pack food and children into the car, yes, we actually had to wake River & Raine up (this hasn't happened in a long while).
8am I take a gorgeous small group of yogis through the best start to the day, Eric wraps Reef and trains his fave client and my Besty brings warm coffee...I am now double parked and high on life.
9am we prepare to take Raine to dancing but she refuses to put on clothes and both her and Riv need some chill out time.
The toddlers and I do some yoga from beautiful book "I am Yoga" a birthday gift from my gorgeous girlfriend.
We complete a dinosaur puzzle together on the floor in between work calls and finance organizing.
11am Eric heads out to our local organic grocer to stock up for the next few days. The two big kids play outside and Reef and I spend some time smiling at each other. I make cup of tea and attempt to read magazine.
12pm We start the lunch process (E usually cooks, while I am breastfeeding). E also got Reef down while I got some washing on and social media done.
1.15pm River is finally dressed and the boys head off to an indoor play center. Raine needs a nap.
2.20pm Raine finally falls asleep after we have played peek-a-boo and "fish and chips" for over an hour. She's also breastfed at least half that time and I've taken two work calls.
2.40pm boys get home, breastfeed Reef and drink coffee planning out our night.
3pm Eric ducks out to get a new shelf for his clothes.
4pm I take Raine in the Tula and Riv on his scooter while I walk Marli (our lab).
4.45pm feeding Reef and running around to get to work.
5.10pm leave for work
5.30pm Eric coaches while I join in the WOD, my dad is watching the toddlers at the gym with us, E has Reef wrapped...and yes he did a baby wearing muscle up...
6.30pm I head home with the kids to get bath and bedtime started. E runs our last class of the day. He will either run home or get a lift.
7.20pm Reef asleep, start feeding Raine to sleep.
8pm E helps me get the kids into bed.
9pm wake up in kids bed still, then eat cake in own bed
Stress about everything that didn't get done and debate getting up to do it all.
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