I am writing today with a full heart, a full mind, full arms, a full tummy, (an empty wallet) and a full on year ahead. Each year I tell myself, this is it Sares, just a little more work & you can rest...then another opportunity comes knocking and I just cannot resist!
With excitement and regret, Eric and I have decided to leave Factory 3 CrossFit to the very capable Gav. We are going out to start a new box in the eastern suburbs looking to open in March 2014. Before then I am off to Byron to complete my level 1 teacher training course. So I am anticipating a very busy jan/feb!
It came as a shock to most of our clients but we want to assure people that this move is a business move and a change that will serve us all very well in the future. I am quite saddened to leave the place that I poured my heart into but I know that the new space will offer something the eastern suburbs has not yet seen. We have a wonderful support team behind us, and we are going to go full steam ahead in preparation of our opening.
Here's a quick glance at our timeline:
Continue working at F3.
Have a little road trip to Robe to visit the besty for NYE.
Build all the processes from scratch so they are ready to go when we open.
Make friends with some VIPs that can help us turn an old factory into a State of the art venue for CrossFit & Mobility (if you're reading this, live local & are interested please contact me!).
Pack up our home into cardboard boxes.
Cry eyes out on last day at F3.
Depart to Byron for yoga teacher training.
Road trip home from Byron (omg with two kids!!).
Move house.
Create a new box.
Open 1st March (Chloe's bday).
As most people know, I don't do things by halves...haha!
Raine took her first bottle (of expressed milk after about 3hrs of one side breast refusal...) on Christmas Eve. Yesterday she had her first taste of watermelon & cantaloupe, just shy of 6months. Looking forward to another BLW journey! She is also very chatty & says Dada every day (seriously?! I birthed her!!), as she rolls about trying to plank/fly/crawl.
I'm going to miss spending 24/7 with my babies for the 12day yoga intensive. It was a decision that was hard to make but Byron Yoga have been very helpful in allowing me breaks to breastfeed and pump milk for Raine. And to gain qualification in yoga instruction will be a priceless opportunity. I will keep you posted with this journey!
On a final note, this has been a year of great personal discovery. I have realized who my true friends are, made so many brilliant new ones, and let some go. I've been highly praised and also bullied. I've found a real peace with my past & gained so much excitement for my future thanks to the awesome considerate compassionate people in my life. I'm truly blessed to see the good in people & to be able to let go what no longer serves me. There are a billion people to thank including my family, my circle of friends, my clients who have my back at every turn, my lululemon athletica friends who have been a constant source of support, and those people I have met through CrossFit that I am completely in awe of.
Thank you for giving me strength to face the day, and thanks to the universe for giving me endless opportunity in making my dreams come true.
I love this quote "The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet" M.N
My message at this time of year is always the same; express gratitude, give love & don't wait for some bulldust date to change your life. Be the person you want to be, be amazing, start NOW. And as the beautiful Amy Coghlan says, Be.Love.Always.